Date: 23/05/24
Great news! The playermodel I was making is done, it'll be releasing on the 26th, I've also updated this site to include and about me section and a proper news page since the old one was kinda crap ngl. The next playermodel will be Dotflare's HD Minos Prime, I'll probably start working on it soon but until then enjoy the updates!
Date: Unknown
Sorry I haven't posted any updates recently, I've been working on that project I was talking about, once it's finished I'll post it to the workshop and I'll properly flesh out this news section, for now however I'm taking a break from working on this website.
Date: Unknown
Not much to put here other than the fact that I have two playermodel projects that I'm currently working on, the first one that I'm currently working on I'm keeping a secret as it's a gift and I don't want them to find out about it XD, but the second one I'm planning on making is going to be Dotflare's Minos Prime model. (Dw I've asked Dotflare about using his model and porting it to Gmod, he said he's fine with it!)